The Cinema Cafe

Serving Cinema's Tastiest Treats

Dish of the Day

Just some film musings of a more succinct, spontaneous and sometimes seditious nature:

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Cinema Cafe has a chat room on Facebook that readers are welcome to join here. On Mondays, we have a movie trivia game called "Match-up Mondays" where the object is to name the common denominator between all of the captures provided and also identify each of the films pictured. 

Treasure Trivia: Quiz #9 has just been posted and can be seen here. Please check it out to see if the film images look familiar and the common denominator between the characters apparent, especially if you’re interested in winning one of the two soundtracks on offer. Good luck!

Here is an added hint that may help those who try and solve the puzzle at Treasure Trivia Quiz #9 (click on the word “here” in the paragraph just above):

The character:

Madeleine Elster

The Motion Picture:

All responses are not only welcomed but encouraged in the comments section below.

Hope to see you tomorrow.
