Dish of the Day
Just some film musings of a more succinct, spontaneous and sometimes seditious nature:
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Today’s “Dish of the Day” has a brief review of mine that was inspired by a post in one of the film related Facebook chat rooms. This includes the Cinema Cafe group (all readers are encouraged to join here: My thoughts on the following motion picture, as typical, form a minority view, one that is occasionally the lone dissenting voice.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
Wow. All that talent and what do we get? A pure concept driven bloated vehicle with empty characters that go nowhere and do nothing even interesting. They all seem like relatively nice people so no real conflict. That, and the central romance being oddly lacklustre sucks most of the tragedy out of the big idea’s final moments we’ve waited so long to arrive. Curiosity provides the best reason to see this film, since it’s the only sensation likely to be rewarded afterward. Viewers would be more satisfied with just about any other David Fincher directed film… except perhaps Gone Girl.
(Out of 5 Treasure Chests)
Nothing too exciting on TCM to report (at least by this writer).
All responses are not only welcomed but encouraged in the comments section below.
Hope to see you tomorrow.