Dish of the Day
Just some film musings of a more succinct, spontaneous and sometimes seditious nature:
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Today’s “Dish of the Day” has a brief review of mine that was inspired by a post in one of the film related Facebook chat rooms. This includes the Cinema Cafe group (all readers are encouraged to join here: My thoughts on the following motion picture form an extreme minority view, almost the lone dissenting voice.
The Perfect Storm (2000)
Were the title only representative of its dramatic qualities… This film’s most impressive elements are the elements and those that support them (i.e. music, photography and special effects). The conversations, including arguments between rather undistinguished characters taking place onboard a commercial fishing vessel, come across as contrived for dramatic liveliness. Sadly, neither the characters nor the conflicts between them are lively enough to compete with the forces of nature conspiring against them. This puts the storytellers “in the same boat” because the narrative, foreshadowed by such a major tragic outcome, increasingly assumes control over itself. So we wait, like all of the other helpless individuals on land, for the inevitable to occur since by design, nothing of any relative significance can happen until then. See the same director’s Das Boot instead.
(Out of 5 Treasure Chests)
All responses are not only welcomed but encouraged in the comments section below.
Hope to see you tomorrow.